Submitted by wcm_male_infert... on April 28, 2015 - 11:50am
June 27, 2024
- Multiple factors contribute to infertility, including environmental factors.
- Researchers are seeking to understand how various components of the environment impact male fertility.
- A recent study confirmed the presence of microplastics in dog and human testes. Further analysis of dog tissue suggests microplastics may impact sperm count and testis weight.
Male infertility continues to be a worldwide problem, but it is not always clear what factors contribute to it.
Due to increasing evidence that microplastics have found their way into different biological systems, from blood to lungs, researchers have become interested in identifying and understanding the potential impact of microplastics on reproductive systems, as well.
Microplastics in testicles may play a role in male infertility, study suggests
- Selected Publication & Abstract